The publishers wre the Serbian Association of Economists and the Faculty of Economics of the University of Belgrade in 2017 (in English). The author was Prof. Dragan Đuričin, Member of the Chapter.
Reports to the Chapter
Escape from Transitionism: What Serbia has Learned from Past Failures and Recommendations for the Future

Radioactive Waste in Serbia: How and Where with It?
The publisher was the Chapter in 2017. The authors were Dr. Ilija Plećaš, Snežana Pavlović, Milan Rajčević, and Dr. Nebojša Nešković, former and current associates of the Vinča Institute for Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade. Dr. Plećaš and Dr. Nešković are Members of the Chapter.

Seven members of the Chapter and Prof. Veljko Milutinović, from the Indiana University in Bloomington, USA, as a guest, wrote articles on the topic Serbia in 2021: From problems to solutions.

Dragan Đuričin
Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade
The great reset of Serbia’s economy during and after the COVID 19 crisis
Divna Lalević Bosisio
Serbian Chapter of the Club of Rome
Complex of inferiority in Serbia in 2021: The problem and some possible solutions
Vera Milanković
Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade
The song was our salvation
Veljko Milutinović
Indiana University in Bloomington, USA
General methods for induction and augmentation of creativity among graduate students
Nebojša Nešković
Serbian Chapter of the Club of Rome
Cooperation of Serbia with big international scientific organizations
Luka Popović
Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade
The current state and future of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade
Nebojša Stefanović1, Ilija Plećaš2, Nataša Danilović Hristić1 and Nikola Krunić1
1Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of Serbia, Belgrade, and
2Public company “Nuclear facilities of Serbia”, Belgrade
Radioactive waste in Serbia: Spatial and planning aspects
Goran Trivan
Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade
Defence of the environment in Serbia